Trading equities has the potential to generate above average returns in the longer term than other investments, such as bonds, we mainly hold equities for the long term.
Highly Regarded Turnaround Capabilities
We make businesses better, plain and simple, because of the unique positioning of our patient investing approach. Ailing balance sheets, economic challenges, competitive strife — all can be conquered with our effective, value-driven and custom-crafted business plans.
Minimised Risk, Maximised Diversification
Learning with Triland Investments looking for Equity Opportunities to create success by building concentrated portfolios geared towards below-market risk characteristics and diversification. We ensure success by grounding ourselves in the fundamentals, always remaining aware of macroeconomic trends, and only placing a strong emphasis on companies with the characteristics below.
- Strong Profitability and Attractive Valuation.
- Below Average Debt and Above Average Return on Equity.
- Skilled Management and Investment Process.
- Employ both quantitative and qualitative analysis in identifying investment opportunities.
- Focus on companies with quality business models, strong balance sheets, and good management.
- Valuation analysis of each security is conducted relative to its historical range, peers, growth rate and the market.
- Fundamental analysis is focused on confirming an attractive growth rate in projected earnings per share.
- Solid return on equity ensuring sustainable business model.